The Czech Chamber of Appraisers |
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History and Status of CCA
The Czech Chamber of Appraisers was established in March 1992 as the professional association of the citizens. It is the interest, independent and non-profit association of entrepreneurs (individuals and legal entity) running business in the area of the property appraisal.
The Chamber has approximately 300 full members in the category of the individuals and approximately 40 members in the category of the legal entity nowadays. The secretariat of CCA also registers about 45 candidates for the membership in CCA.
Presidium headed by the President manages the activities of the Chamber. The Chamber has a regional organization structure and it covers the whole area of the Czech Republic by the means of 8 regions.
CCA is a member of the international professional organizations TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers´ Associations) and IVSC (International Valuation Standards Committee), and it also represents the Slovak Association of Appraisers of Real Estates under the terms of its membership.
Principal Activities and Objectives of CCA
The uniting of the appraisers from the Czech Republic within the scope of the property market, international cooperation in all areas of property trade, cooperation with the state authorities dealing with the problems of the property appraisal, use of the new knowledge from related branches for the needs of CCA members and organization of educational activity in order to deepen the qualification of the members and improving of their services quality are the principal objectives of the Chamber. The members of the Chamber are occupied in the real estates appraisal business, movable property and intangible property.
CCA has developed methodical instructions for these types of the properties that are used for the unified approach to the property valuation. The instructions fully respect the European valuation standards (EVS).
The methodical instructions are updated continuously and the members of the Chamber are informed about the new changes of these documents by the means of specialised seminars and conferences.
The Chamber plays an important role in the providing of the educational process of the members as well as in professional discussions with the responsible ministries (Finance, Justice, Industry and Trade etc.) about legislative proposals in the area of property valuation, including cooperation in solving of selected problems in the activity of the Securities Commission.
Leading experts of CCA cooperate within the frame of the legislative process also with some committees of the House of Deputies of the Czech Parliament.
CCA is also involved in the solution of important problems relating to the interest of its subsidiaries: The Institute of Property Valuation CCA, a. s. and Society for Certification of Appraisers, o.p.s.
The Chamber pays the exceptional attention to the education process of its members. “Continual professional education of CCA members” has been introduced by CCA in 2004 in the succession to the education system MER-Minimum Educational Requirements (TEGoVA).
The professional seminars and conferences oriented on the current problems in the area of the market valuation of the property. Intensive cooperation with The Institute of Property Valuation – Economic University of Prague is used in the majority of the education projects.
Within the scope of the educational activity the Chamber arranges lectures of exceptional experts, focusing on nowadays problems of the real estate market including of updating guideline for the market valuation of property, for its members.
Principal Functions and Activities of CCA
- to unite the entrepreneurs – appraisers within the framework of the Czech Republic,
- to deepen the qualification and skills of CCA members,
- international cooperation in the area of property trade,
- cooperation with the governmental authorities in the solution of problems related to the valuation of the property,
- preparation and implementation of national and international conferences, seminars, symposiums and other events related to the problems of property and its appraisal,
- reparation of methodical instructions for the market appraisal of different types of the property,
- publishing activity in national as well as international newspapers, magazines, etc.
- promotion of the Chamber and its objectives, publishing of its own magazine.
Organization of CCA
The Chamber, as the professional association of the citizens, is managed by the Presidium headed by the President. General assembly summoned once a year is the highest authority of the Chamber.
Professional Court and Supervisory Board are other authorities. The Regional Head is elected by the Region members Assembly and also makes decisions about the regional matters. All authorities are elected on a four yearly cycle.
Secretary General is the executive body of the Presidium. He / she also manages the Secretariat.
CCA is the founder and exclusive owner of two subsidiaries:
The Institute of Property Valuation CCA a.s.(UOM CKOM)
On basis of its organization scheme, the Institute is able to provide the market valuation of the property anywhere on whole area of the Czech Republic in very short terms. The Institute was established in 1999.
Society for Personal Certification, o.p.s. (SpPC)
Society for personal certification was registered in June 1999. The Society has received the accreditation on basis of CSN EN 45013 for certification of persons in the profession of „property appraiser“. The Society passed the re-accreditation successfully in July 2004 in accordance with CSN EN ISO/ICE 17024.
The Society took part in the certification project “Approved by TEGoVA” within the scope of the international cooperation of the Czech Chamber of Appraisers. The Society has received this mark on basis of fulfilling of all criteria in November 2001.
150 members of CCA have completed successfully the certification process till now. Further 80 foreign appraisers passed the demanding certification process after the acquisition of the mark „Approved by TEGoVA“.
Publishing Activity
CCA produces number of methodical guidelines, reports, information etc. for the members needs. CCA also publishes the information about the up-to-date parts of EVS (European valuation standards). The published translation of selected terminology from EVS was evaluated as very useful.
Publishing of the Chamber magazine “Appraiser and the property valuation” is also very important activity. The quarterly magazine especially presents articles of CCA members and (in the following) authors of The Institute of Property Valuation – Economic University of Prague. This magazine is distributed not only to all CCA members but also to other abonents, which are interested in the market valuation of property.
A lot of reports, information and organization instructions presented on the Chamber website: www.ckom.czare also part of the publishing activity.
CCA Membership
The Directive, approved by the Presidium in December 2004 specifies the conditions of CCA membership in details.
The following CCA membership categories are registered according to the Directive:
Full membership: Individuals and Legal entity
Registered membership: Legal entity
Associated membership: Individuals and Legal entity
The acceptance process for the CCA membership applicants is carried out by the Secretariat from the organizational standpoint. The applicant is examined by the Interview Commission in the competent region from the standpoint of his / her professional qualification.